An overview of our objectives and ambitions

Our 4 objectives


a modular Exascale-pilot system

Build and deploy

a pilot hardware and software platform integrating European technology.


the readiness and the scalability of the pilot technology in general and the MSA in particular, towards Exascale.


applications and European users to efficiently exploit the future Exascale machines.

EUPEX in a nutshell

The EUPEX pilot brings together academic and commercial stakeholders to co-design a European modular Exascale-ready pilot system. Together, they will deploy a pilot hardware and software platform integrating the full spectrum of European technologies, and will demonstrate the readiness and scalability of these technologies, and particularly of the Modular Supercomputing Architecture (MSA), towards Exascale.

EUPEX’s ambition is to support actively the European industrial ecosystem around HPC, as well as to prepare applications and users to efficiently exploit future European exascale supercomputers.

Integrating European technologies

EUPEX leverages the best of the assets developed in previous H2020 projects to design, build and validate the first HPC platform integrating the full spectrum of European HPC technologies, from architecture, processors and interconnect to system software. The EUPEX pilot system is:

  • modular, thanks to the OpenSequana-compliant hardware platform and the matching HPC software ecosystem implementing the Modular Supercomputing Architecture, so as to be able to integrate and manage efficiently a variety of hardware modules, including upcoming architectures, and to handle heterogeneous workflows,
  • large enough to be a proof of concept for a modular architecture relying on European technologies, and in particular on the European processor technology (EPI), and to demonstrate the Exascale readiness of the applications selected for co-design
  • production-grade, thanks to technical choices guided by the maturity of the European solutions available.

Addressing software

  • EUPEX is not just about building a hardware prototype: the consortium will devote as much effort to the system software stack and to the applications as to hardware.

  • A set of applications selected from a large variety of domains (climate and weather forecast, biology and health, remote sensing analysis, material science, astrophysics, engineering, seismology) will be optimized for the target architecture, used for benchmarking on the EUPEX Pilot, and analysed to issue recommendations for exploitation on future European Exascale systems.

European sovereignty

The EUPEX consortium brings together 17 European organizations in a balanced alliance between established European technology suppliers and vendors, recognized research organisations and universities, European-scale computing centres, and application owners. This mix of public and private sector stakeholders is a guarantee that the innovative research achieved by the consortium will quickly translate into European-grown industrialised solutions that will reduce Europe’s dependence on foreign supercomputing technologies.

In a context where the European Union is striving to regain its digital sovereignty, turning from a simple user of computer technologies into a self-reliant player capable of designing, developing, manufacturing and marketing all the necessary technological bricks, it is an essential asset to master extreme-scale supercomputing technologies, an asset whose success will percolate through the entire computing continuum.

Covering the full spectrum of required supercomputing technologies with European solutions

EUPEX factsheet

Project name

EUropean Pilot for EXascale

Project acronym


Project type

Research and Innovation Action (RIA)

Time span

01/01/2022 to 31/12/2026



Grant Agreement



Eviden (Bull SAS)

EU contribution

€ 20 380 033,01

Total budget

€ 40 760 065,93

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