The first EUPEX Forum will take place just after the EPI Forum, in the same venue


In collaboration with

The European Processor Initiative wild hold its annual EPI Forum on 9 and 10 October 2024, in Barcelona, Spain. The first EUPEX Forum will take place on the same venue, on the afternoon of 10 October.

Applications and codesign are an important aspect of EUPEX. In this respect, EUPEX’s objectives are to:

  • determine application requirements,
  • optimize applications to Arm SVE architectures,
  • adapt applications to explore the modular Pilot system,
  • perform benchmarking on the Pilot system,
  • issue requirements for future Exascale systems and recommendations for application developers to exploit them.

Join us at the first EUPEX Forum to discover our first achievements and findings. EUPEX partners will present, amongst others, the work done on the Ligen integrated platform for extreme-scale drug design, and on the Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) weather prediction suite operated by ECMWF.

We will also present our Early Access Programme, and will give you an overview of the future uses of EUPEX outcomes in EuroHPC systems.

Attendance is free but pre-registration is mandatory!

Register to the EUPEX Forum>>

More information on the EPI Forum>>

Access to the venue (Barcelo Sants Hotel)>>








Barcelo Sants hotel, Barcelona, Spain

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