EUPEX webinar – A practical approach to OCEAN: CEA’s admin software stack for HPC clusters

The EUPEX researchers share their results and lessons learnt!


In collaboration with

11am to 12pm CET

We are organising monthly webinars about the outcomes of EUPEX (full programme here). Our sixth webinar will be dedicated to OCEAN an admin software cluster stack used by the CEA.


Abstract: Ocean is an administration software stack to provide tools and documentation for heterogeneous cluster management, which is developed at CEA and in operational use on CEA premises.

It is composed in two sub projects: Ocean-core is a RPM-based distribution built upon a standard Linux distribution and provides packaged tools and software updates needed to manage HPC clusters. Ocean-stack (aka Deepblue) describes how to architecture core services required on HPC clusters, how to integrate third-party services and gives operating procedures to manage a HPC Cluster at scale.

In this talk we focus on the practical aspects of OCEAN. We will show how OCEAN can be of use on a day-to-day basis for the deployment and the administration of HPC clusters.


Speaker: Aurelien CEDEYN, CEA

Aurelien CEDEYN is a senior research engineer at CEA and is today responsible for the HCPC storage at CEA. This includes defining the overall storage strategy for the various HPC systems and storage devices at CEA, as well as overseeing the administration of these systems. After his master degree in Computer Science, Aurelien worked for Inria before joining CEA in 2009. Moreover, Aurelien is chairing the LAD – an annual user and developer meeting dedicated to Lustre file system organised by CEA and is also the main maintainer of OCEAN, the opens-source software stack developed and deployed at CEA for administrating HPC clusters.







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