EUPEX partner Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz had a paper accepted at IEEE CLUSTER 2024 in Kobe, Japan, the International Conference on Cluster Computing.
Portals4 is a low-level network programming interface that offers efficient and scalable communication, supporting both the Message Passing Interface and Partitioned Global Address Space models by providing direct access to network hardware. In this context, this work makes two contributions: a Portals4 microbenchmark suite for low-level performance and behavioral analysis, and a Portals4 backend for GPI-2, an implementation of the Global Address Space Programming Interface. The microbenchmarks evaluate Portals4’s put and get primitives for various configurations, while the GPI-2 backend leverages these results for scalable, efficient one-sided communication. Preliminary performance evaluation on the DEEP prototype system demonstrates that Portals4 achieves competitive performance on the Bull eXascale Interconnect (BXIv2) compared to InfiniBand, highlighting its potential in HPC environments.
DOI: 10.1109/CLUSTERWorkshops61563.2024.00046